July Gay Event Calendar, including parties, gay pride parade and parties, circuit festivals, club nights, official holiday events and more.

Hamburg Gay Pride

Hamburg Gay Pride

Hamburg Gay Pride is one of the biggest events in the city’s gay calendar, part of a 10 day series of concerts, street and circuit parties & the main Parade

Gay Pride Stuttgart

Stuttgart Gay Pride

Stuttgart Gay Pride takes place in July, the main parade taking place on the last Saturday of a 15 day cultural festival & Summerfest

Cologne Gay Pride

Cologne Gay Pride

Cologne Gay Pride or as it is better known Christopher Street Day is one of the bigger European gay prides attracting between 750,000 and one million people.

Madrid Pride

Madrid Pride

Madrid Gay Pride is simply the best city pride in Europe. Held on the first weekend in July, the event is one of the largest of its kind with a stunning parade.

Berlin Pride

Berlin Gay Pride

Berlin’s gay Pride or as it is known in Berlin, Christopher Street Day is one of the big gay prides in Europe attracting hundreds of thousands of people.

Barcelona Pride

Barcelona Gay Pride

Barcelona Gay Pride features a complete with funfair day out, foam parties and concerts, as well as the big Saturday Parade.

Oslo Gay Pride

Oslo Gay Pride

Oslo Gay Pride (known locally as Skeive Dager) is one of the highlights of the gay calendar in this beautiful city in Norway,